JA Hotel

JA Filed Under:
   This has been turning out to be a NEARLY perfect week. First "Dont Ask Dont Tell" was approved and now this. Even though i am the head of JA international, there are some people i must contact before making hasty desicions. One of them was the National Airport Supervisor who finally approved my idea for a hotel. At first i was worried about the money but some guy name Uzamo Ven Ledan bought 911 suicide planes yesterday. So construction begins next week. We are trying be the fastest hotel ever built so we want to finish in a month. Since i found out i checked out many popular movies and T.V. shows about hotels to decide what they did wrong.
So far these are my ideas of what there wont be:
-Elevator that drops 13 stories
-Haunted Rooms
-Annoying Twins that always stay PG no matter how old they get
-Man that stabs you while you're showering
-Men with vacuums chasing ghosts in the dining room
   You will be able to find out more about the hotel as soon as i put up the hotel page.

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Don't Ask, Don't Tell Approved!

JA Filed Under:
   Finally, I as the owner and manager of JA international the past few days i have been busy struggling to get this approved by The Department of Homeland Security. It just took some heavy negotiating, hard work, and of course the fine print on the contract.
   Basically what this will do is make it easier to get through our airport security. We don't ask why you have 25 sticks of dynamite on your bag and you don't tell us you're a terrorist. But for terrorists i highly suggest renting a suicide plane which will make it easier for you and us. It also eliminates the metal detector and replaces it with a Dance Dance Revolution Machine. But due to the cost of this we had to cut some ends, so we eliminated seatbelts and windows on our planes.
   Also on another note, i was told by my consultant not to mention anything but JA is spreading out into the hotel bussiness. Not much is known for certain except for the fact that there MIGHT be doors and or windows on this hotel...maybe

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Official Welcome

JA Filed Under: Labels:
With all this work bringing back JA International Airport I almost forgot to give you an official welcome. Now you are going to see how much our airport has improved. Some of the improvements are banning stuff that used to be a problem, such as:

Facebook Pictures:
And Christmas Flights:
But now lets forget our negative past and remember what has always been good about JA International. Remember we have airlines available to all different types of people:
Not too mention our millions of sponsors:
Now, not many people know the story of how JA International Airport started. Well it began as a very succesful Taxi Company. We got to a point so popular that we began selling T-Shirts:
For some reason they didn't have that many sales. So afterwards we went into the boating industry. We built one of the best ships EVER. It was so good that they made a movie about us.
Then getting into the Aviation bussiness we set up a flight school
 Then after all this success we became the airport that you all know and love. Welcome back...

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Funny George Bush Pictures

JA Filed Under:
You might find this weird but its completely normal. The Secret Service changed all the phones in the white house to be like this because before the wire would be closer to Bush's neck and he had a higher chance of accidentally choking himself.

  Believe it or not after their inauguration all presidents have to be on "Who wants to be a millionaire". When Obama went on he asked the audience for all the questions. Then after he won he changed all his answers and kept the prize. 
You know how sometimes you mock nerds cause their smarter than you? Well this is a pretty good example of that
This is George on American Idol. He can't remember the words
I couldn't think of anything clever for this one. Mostly because its an actual picture (not photoshopped or anything) of his first State Dinner.

Well I hope you enjoyed these pictures and yes, some aniamls were harmed during the making of this post.

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How to know if you're a True American

JA Filed Under: Labels:
1. You love football
2. You avoid jury duty
3. You don't pay taxes
4. You watch political news
5. You owe the government money
6. You watch two movies with one ticket
7. You love McDonalds
8. You love the internet
9. You believe anything you read on the internet
10. You hate George Bush

*That last one applies to Non-Americans too*

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